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Doctor Shortage: A Solution Found in Digital Technology

Updated: Jan 18

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The shortage of doctors has become a challenge for many countries around the world. As the demand for healthcare continues to grow, the number of available doctors to meet this need remains limited. However, thanks to rapid advancements in healthcare digital technology, there are unprecedented opportunities to address this crisis. In this article, we will explore how technology can be a fundamental ally in solving the problem of medical staff shortages.

Telemedicine: the virtual medical visit

Un uomo di spalle è in videochiamata con un medico

One of the key solutions offered by technology is telemedicine. Telemedicine allows doctors to consult and treat patients remotely, using audiovisual communication tools. With telemedicine, doctors can provide diagnoses, prescribe medications, and offer advice without the need to physically meet patients. This reduces the need for physical travel for patients and allows doctors to reach a larger number of people in different locations, even in remote areas. The widespread adoption of telemedicine can help bridge the gap between the supply and demand for healthcare.

Artificial Intelligence: Virtual Medical Assistants

Immagine evocativa in cui una mano con un guanto fuoriesce dalla testa di un uomo, su sfondo giallo e rosa fluorescenti

Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers enormous potential to address the shortage of doctors. Medical virtual assistants based on AI can help doctors manage a vast amount of information and tasks, allowing them to focus on more complex clinical decisions. These virtual assistants can collect data from patients, provide basic advice, monitor progress, and even make preliminary diagnoses. This allows doctors to save valuable time and focus on more critical cases, improving the overall efficiency of healthcare.

Glass AI: A Promising Digital Technological Solution to Support Doctors

sagoma di un volto umano che rappresenta l'Intelligenza Artificiale

In the realm of technological solutions to address the shortage of medical staff, a promising innovation is Glass AI. Glass AI is an experimental feature of the Glass Health platform, founded in 2021 by Dereck Paul and Graham Ramsey. This platform uses artificial intelligence to draft a diagnosis or clinical plan based on the description of a diagnostic problem.

To achieve effective results, it is crucial to provide a clear and complete description of the problem. This description, also known as a diagnostic one-liner, includes demographic data, medical history, epidemiological risk factors, duration and timing of the disease, as well as symptoms and key data such as laboratory results, diagnostic images, and physical examination data. Glass AI, presented as the Chat GPT of medicine, however, does not replace medical advice and is not intended for use by the general public but is conceived to be used exclusively by doctors and trainees to improve the quality of care.

Robotics: Robot-Assisted Surgery

i ferri del mestiere di un chirurgo (forbici, bisturi, pinzette)

Another area where technology can help overcome the shortage of doctors is robot-assisted surgery. Advanced surgical robots enable surgeons to perform complex procedures with greater precision and control. This technology allows surgeons to operate remotely, reducing the need to be physically present in every operating room. With robot-assisted surgery, doctors can expand their reach and offer specialized care even in areas that otherwise would not have access to such services.

Training and Online Learning

la tastiera di un laptop vista dall'altro, su sfondo arancione e giallo

Technology can also play a crucial role in medical training. Online learning programs, virtual simulations, and e-learning platforms can provide high-quality training to doctors around the world. This is particularly important in areas where educational resources and access to top medical institutes are limited. Online training allows doctors to acquire new skills, stay updated on the latest medical practices, and share knowledge with colleagues from different parts of the world.


The shortage of doctors is a global problem that requires innovative solutions. Technology offers a range of tools that can help address this crisis. Telemedicine, artificial intelligence, robotics, and online training are just some of the solutions that can help bridge the gap between the supply and demand for healthcare. Fully leveraging the potential of technology requires a joint commitment from governments, healthcare professionals, and technology companies. But if adopted effectively, technology can improve access to healthcare, increase efficiency, and ensure high-quality care for everyone, everywhere in the world.

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